Columbia Pinball League
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Clean Sweep Clean Sweep
Earned for having the top score for every machine in a meet.

Introduced 01/01/2012

Players With This Badge (14)

PlayerDate Earned
Howie Ambrus07/17/2023
James Veverka02/24/2020
Jacob Rogers02/24/2020
Matt Schuchard05/13/2019
Sunshine Bon08/27/2018
Chris Campbell05/07/2018
Will Hoffmann04/02/2018
Austin Ilsley11/13/2017
Nathan Goett10/16/2017
Jordan Lamb01/09/2017
Daniel Carpenter10/10/2016
Kyle Felling09/26/2016
Adam McKinnie05/09/2016
Josh Noble03/28/2016